Dance the Abundance
In this analogy, you are invited to dance with your soul in a marvelous partner dance, to experience the Abundance of life.

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Dance with life
Fancy trying a new routine: the Abundance?
Note up front:
The words ‘ he’ and ‘ she’ are completely interchangeable in this piece.
In ball room dancing the agreement is that the ‘he’ leads, therefore in this story is chosen to follow that image.
There you are, look!
Your body is moving with grace, holding and being held by your partner in this dance, your soul.
You’ve agreed in advance, that you’ll dance together as long as there is a beat.
You also agreed: you lead.
You lead this dance = you lead your life.
Preferably, you’ll take your soul on this dance floor in an harmonious flow of different routines and patterns, following the beat. In doing so, together you’ll experience the joy of dancing, by doing it, by being dancers in perfect sync, as a team.
Is it a competition? Do you need to be better than the others in the room to enjoy the experience?
No, not really. It is an act of creation, for re-creation purposes.
There is plenty of room on this dance floor for all dancers to enjoy experiencing (over and over again) Abundance in ever changing forms and ways, as a co-creation of all involved, all being marvellous Abundancers, just with different levels of experience and a different personal style.
Now , there are a couple of things to realise to make this work well.
Some things to remember about YOU ( Your Own Unit: the individual body-mind-soul entity) and there are some things to remember about the unity, the whole flow on the dance floor.
Let’s start with zooming in on the outline and base characteristics of Your Own Unit:
Your dance partner, your soul, has much more experience in dancing than you have.
In fact, she volunteers to dance with you through life, so you can develop your dancing/living skills and routines and personal style without having to worry if your partner can keep up with you.
Trust this. She knows all the moves and can adjust herself to any of yours, whether they are smooth, fluid, complicated and performed happily with confidence or plain and simple performed clumsy and stiff. She is partner and teacher in one, right in your space ( She provides tuition: in-tuition).
She has patience with you, because all she ever wants is to do is dance with life in any shape or form. Preferably, it has to be said, ever better, in evermore graceful new patterns on all the available beats to feel wonderfully alive, versatile, creative and resourceful.
Knowing this can make life ( dancing the Abundance) so much simpler, than not knowing this.
Whenever you struggle with a routine, feel clumsy and stiff, frustrated, not elegant, not in the flow... whatever doesn’t feel ‘ quite right’ , you name it a learning opportunity!
Ask your dance partner in life, your soul, to show you some steps. She will, always, do so, on request.
That is important to take active notice of: on request.
She will never violate the agreement that you lead. She obviously has a mind of her own, but allows your mind to take the decisions here: she follows your lead. She mirrors your steps.
But if your lead indicates clearly that you chose to swap positions, in order to learn, she will share her knowledge and expertise gladly with you.
There are various ways available for you to learn from her.
For one, you can watch what she does, of course.
You can listen to her ideas about dancing and her tips she reckons would be good advice to follow.
Expert advice, based on years ( make that lifetimes) of more dancing experience than you personally have.
Do you need to , have to, follow her advice? No, you are completely free to use it as you please. Again: you are in the leading position; you make the executive decisions in this round.
Just remember, if you don’t actively dance ( live) new routines, new steps.... nothing changes, no developments are made!
If you don’t do it, you don’t experience it and it doesn’t become part of your incorporated repertoire and experience as a team, ( Your Own Unit: YOU), no matter how well she is on her own capable of doing any steps and moves.
Another method to listening and/or watching your soul and trying to translate that into instructions (mind) to your feet ( body actions) is also available. Instant pleasure, instant Abundance on the dance floor!
When you hold your poise in asking her to lead, hold her in your arms and be held, adding still the appropriate amount of tension on the frame, you’ll experience dancing the new routines first hand.
When she leads you it doesn’t feel as being lead at all in the sense that you’d feel forced into a certain direction you don’t want to go.
She can take so many variables into account, based on her experience: place on the dance floor, traffic on the dance floor, likely directions of the traffic on the dance floor, current move, planning the next moves to flow into, your level of dancing, the speed of the beat, the position in the name just a few.
It seems that all you then have to do is just lift your feet as if you were walking, left, right, left, right and look:... you are dancing! Smoothly, harmoniously and confidently. You are doing it, without even actually knowing on your own accord how you are doing it. You feel great! You can do it!
Naturally, since you are a born Abundancer!, you’ll be eager to have more of that, but now with you taking the lead again, being the drive. You intrinsically want to be able to do what she can, yourself too.
You practise the next steps, by doing it, dancing it... first clumsy and insecure, but ever smoother. Still, from time to time, asking her advice, asking her to take the lead and feel your whole being in the smooth flow ( body-mind and soul-mind). More often however, feeling confident and becoming ‘a natural’ with what once seemed so different from the common everyday walking-on-your-own that was the only way of moving through life you were aware of and familiar with.
Something that you admired once from a distance, hugely intrigued by its graceful seemingly effortless beauty of both complexity and simplicity, a combination of knowing and experience, a way of moving gracefully through life. You are doing it now yourself, dancing with life: Abundance.
Is your soul a partner outside of you? Is it another person? No, it isn’t. In this part of the analogy, we’re still looking within Your Own Unit.
Your own unit has been a team from the day you were born.
When life doesn’t seem to flow as smoothly as desired, soul searching is often advised.
Making a conscious connection with what your soul wants to experience.
It could be , like with every other partner in life, that you’d benefit from taking notice of her needs and desires too!
She may really fancy dancing a variety of routines, ever better, ever smoother, so she can enjoy the whole experience too , shining and feeling, living all that she is capable of, with you, through YOU (Your Own Unit).
If you don’t accommodate for that enough, she might ask your attention for this unsatisfying issue in your working/dancing relationship at some point in time.
Her way....? After various degrees of subtle attempts to just tell you, to show you, point it out to you... with too little satisfying results, she can decide to do exactly what you indicate, in words, thoughts and deeds, as a wonderful way of getting her message across, while on the dance floor.
It is a very obedient, yet it may come across as an annoying strategy: go-slow.
She isn’t ‘on strike’, she hasn’t left you at all.
No, she keeps her side of the agreement, this time minutely to the letter. She mirrors exactly your lead and doesn’t do anything else.
What you are not aware of is that she was in a miraculous way influencing the previous results. She was adjusting herself in a very subtle way in order for the dancing to go on, making in the unseen (to you) things happen for you both using her flair and expertise with the aim to enjoy continuing the dance, without the least experienced of the two ( you) having to deal with the finite details of it all, at once.
She can for instance keep traffic away, just by inflating her energy-field, so you both wouldn’t bump into anyone else for the fact that you were not aware that you had to look out for that too. Enabling you to fully concentrate on doing the steps.
She has the power to signal to the d.j. to pick a track with another speed, either a tune you like to move on that fires your desire to move, or a song you are not so excited about, enabling you to practise performing with grace, smiling under all circumstances.
She could add just a tiny little extra amount of pressure on the frame, subtly indicating that a course change would be beneficial, without you even being consciously aware of responding to that, feeling pleased that you made that turn exactly at the right time to go through the corner, losing no speed nor grace.....
Once you experience your life to go-slow, yourself being clumsy, sluggish, things go wrong, you feel stuck in a corner, head down, looking at your feet more than anything else or standing still all together, feeling left on your own devices, out of the flow, disconnected and missing the joy in that.....
Be aware!
You soul might have changed her mind on her approach. Instead of her previous subtle supportive accommodating approach, doing things in the unseen that make the whole dancing experience run and develop just that little bit smoother for both of you, she may have swapped the gentle approach for one you’ll find more challenging, where you feel what she feels for not being accommodated in the existential desire to develop as a team.
Does that sound like cold blooded and unloving revenge? Why? Wasn’t your soul supposed to be ‘perfect love expressed’, pure Godstuff, connected with the Divine plan for your life, awesome, beautiful and amazing !? Is this treatment fair? Do you deserve that from an ethereal being with the patience of a saint and all the time in the world? Can’t she just wait a life time? It is only a blink of an eye in eternity!
Well..... she is that, she can do that, ultimately. But never forget that she is also capable of all the other steps and moves! Above all, never forget this: right now: you lead!
So pay-back time revenge is not the mechanism in action here.
Divine Laws: Send Equals Receive is in action, as always, are showing you how you are performing.
It is all one big mirror of your own performance.
The agreement in Your Own Unit is that you want to learn how to dance ever better with the support from a pro, with poise, with presence, with authority, with joy, exploring your natural talents for it, giving it your best shot, as a team.: you lead, she follows.
You stand still? She stands still.
You do what you always did, she gives you what you always got.
You don’t speak ? She doesn’t say anything.
You do the strict minimum that is specifically asked of you, nothing more? Dito.
Any action , filled in on the dots....! Dito.
No matter what you do, she follows your lead, sticks to the agreement, as long as there is a beat (heart beat) you are leading this partnership ( life).
When will she go back to smoothen the dancing? When will life stop to go-slow?
Well two way, best to be combined:
Know that your partner, your own soul, does everything in her power to help you remind you of the joy of dancing the Abundance: when body-mind and soul dance harmoniously together, by mirroring your steps.
Your Own Unit (YOU) has an enormous potential to move with grace through life, let life gracefully flow through you. Show it , lead it ( in words, uttered outwardly as well as inwardly ( thoughts) and in actions) and it gets mirrored back to you.
Again, If anything more complicated fails, as in all dancing, go to the basics:
Hold your poise, ask your soul to show you the steps and keep moving, resist nothing, surrender: left right, left ,right, on the beat. Listen with your whole being ( you are both not talking, you are dancing), just follow.....f(ol)low......flow.... and keep moving.
Even simple basic steps, performed with a smile, with grace, holding and being held in a perfect frame of mind, with full attention, form a wonderful joyful performance: to look at and to experience from within.
When you then take the lead again, to practise doing new graceful steps and dance new routines, lesson one of Abundance dancing: forget about the rigid cadences of alternating between ‘ right’ and ‘ wrong’.
( This is right, that is wrong, I am right, therefore you are wrong , or vice versa)
Best thing to keep the feet rhythm in a nice flow moving gracefully forward is to leave ‘ wrong’ in the past. The past tense of ‘ to leave’ is ‘ left’.
So, first thing, replace it with the all times cadence in all walks of life to move anywhere, including dancing: left ,right, left ,right.
( Left is not better than right, left is not right, right is not left (behind)).
Understand that it is in the nature of dancing as a pair that when you use your left foot, your partners uses her right. Moving on, one step at the time, without thinking about the step or the foot too much. Perfect mirrors, in the graceful harmony of the dance.
The left-right feet rhythm on the heart beat of Abundance, always goes on, in 3/4 in 4/4 , in any other counting system.
The shift
An interesting thing happens when you become aware of Abundance and you start dancing it consciously with your soul, as your partner in Your Own Unit.
A shift takes place.
You whole world seems to spin in a different way.... and it does.
YOU become the centre of the world ( experiencing life from within)* , where before you were the centre of the world, looking at life happening merely outside of you.
This shift is not that difficult t to understand. In fact, you can take it fairly literally!
First, you are living your life in a way, similar to disco dancing.
Everybody is standing on their own two feet, moving about putting weight from the left foot to the right foot and back, on a small part of the dance floor, in the midst of other people doing roughly the same.
It can be a very nice and pleasant activity. You can make it as simple or complicated as you like, chat meanwhile with one or more people, or just be in your own bubble, enjoying the beat.
Your soul, your ever faithful dance partner, is doing the same, without you being aware of it. Mirroring your steps, you are just not aware of it, not consciously connected with it in a two way way.
Then, the ballroom dance of Abundance reached your attention.
Maybe you read about it, saw beautiful inspiring examples of it and it raises your desire: I desire to experience Abundance too! I wonder how I can experience that!
In doing so, you are taking the lead and asking your soul to show you some steps.
She immediately responds to that,. She gladly takes you in her arms, to connect with you, the first necessary step to dance Abundance as the YOU you are.
What happened there? You are touched and moved, without being the (conscious) initiator, behind it. Amazing. Scarily beautiful!
The scary part of it, may make you step back from her and you may decide to take the lead again. Back to disco dance position and routines. Did you dream this? There is nothing different around you? You might shake your head and pick up where you left off.
But every time you are seriously curious about Abundance and wonder with intent how you can experience that and surrender to that ( whatever-that-may-be) .. she takes over and holds you, you feeling a strange buzz of connection and communication go through you, shaking your frame of mind.
The longer you surrender ‘ the lead’ to her, agreeing to follow, the longer you’ll experience the (new) sensations of moving in a flow.
Once you get ‘ hooked’ by that interesting sensation of flow and connection , holding a whole world of new possibilities, a completely different way of living ( dancing), you chose to experience that more often, getting better at it, understanding your part in it and playing your part in it to your best abilities.
Like with normal ball room dancing, in the beginning a lot of attention is invested in getting the dancing frame right, with the right amount of tension.
it is through the dancing frame, where dance partners can communicate with minute precision, if it is ‘ right’.
Too close to each other and there is not enough freedom to make the manoeuvres.
Too far away from each other and there is not enough structural integrity to synchronise in the same instant.
Too much tension on the frame and the moves become stiff and chunky ( and it hurts, is tiring, costs way too much energy and is highly uncomfortable).
Too little tension on the frame and the whole combination feels unsafe, wobbly and not really well connected and in touch. Also very uncomfortable.
In YOU, the connection with your soul is not made in the physical world in a frame of ‘ arms’.**
it is a frame of mind.
Your mind is holding onto and being held by hers.
You hold up your frame of mind, completely open, with the appropriate amount if tension and she’ll slide gracefully into it with hers.
If you frame of mind feels shaky, alter your tension, usually: add a little bit more tension.
It is an indication that YOUr total frame of mind is not ‘ right, as in not stable, not fully and optimally functional to support experiencing the flow of Abundance.
It takes full attention, in the beginning to only get into that frame of mind!
Practise, practise, practise ( best just YOU, because ( dancing/living) in traffic with other people, chances of YOU being able to hold that frame of mind with everything else that is going on are minimal)
This is the first shift. From operating with the outside world, by facing it, outwardly, suddenly your focus goes for a great deal within.
Than, with practise, another part of the mentioned shift takes place. A shift that helps you to move as a team, with grace, in the flow, especially useful and noticeable when your speed increases and routines become more complicated.
The centre of gravity shifts.
Was your centre in disco dancing a point inside you, to stay balanced on your feet... it has now moved from the centre of you to the centre of YOU... which is outside of your own body, but right in the middle of Your Own Unit.
Fancy trying a new routine: the Abundance?
Note up front:
The words ‘ he’ and ‘ she’ are completely interchangeable in this piece.
In ball room dancing the agreement is that the ‘he’ leads, therefore in this story is chosen to follow that image.
There you are, look!
Your body is moving with grace, holding and being held by your partner in this dance, your soul.
You’ve agreed in advance, that you’ll dance together as long as there is a beat.
You also agreed: you lead.
You lead this dance = you lead your life.
Preferably, you’ll take your soul on this dance floor in an harmonious flow of different routines and patterns, following the beat. In doing so, together you’ll experience the joy of dancing, by doing it, by being dancers in perfect sync, as a team.
Is it a competition? Do you need to be better than the others in the room to enjoy the experience?
No, not really. It is an act of creation, for re-creation purposes.
There is plenty of room on this dance floor for all dancers to enjoy experiencing (over and over again) Abundance in ever changing forms and ways, as a co-creation of all involved, all being marvellous Abundancers, just with different levels of experience and a different personal style.
Now , there are a couple of things to realise to make this work well.
Some things to remember about YOU ( Your Own Unit: the individual body-mind-soul entity) and there are some things to remember about the unity, the whole flow on the dance floor.
Let’s start with zooming in on the outline and base characteristics of Your Own Unit:
Your dance partner, your soul, has much more experience in dancing than you have.
In fact, she volunteers to dance with you through life, so you can develop your dancing/living skills and routines and personal style without having to worry if your partner can keep up with you.
Trust this. She knows all the moves and can adjust herself to any of yours, whether they are smooth, fluid, complicated and performed happily with confidence or plain and simple performed clumsy and stiff. She is partner and teacher in one, right in your space ( She provides tuition: in-tuition).
She has patience with you, because all she ever wants is to do is dance with life in any shape or form. Preferably, it has to be said, ever better, in evermore graceful new patterns on all the available beats to feel wonderfully alive, versatile, creative and resourceful.
Knowing this can make life ( dancing the Abundance) so much simpler, than not knowing this.
Whenever you struggle with a routine, feel clumsy and stiff, frustrated, not elegant, not in the flow... whatever doesn’t feel ‘ quite right’ , you name it a learning opportunity!
Ask your dance partner in life, your soul, to show you some steps. She will, always, do so, on request.
That is important to take active notice of: on request.
She will never violate the agreement that you lead. She obviously has a mind of her own, but allows your mind to take the decisions here: she follows your lead. She mirrors your steps.
But if your lead indicates clearly that you chose to swap positions, in order to learn, she will share her knowledge and expertise gladly with you.
There are various ways available for you to learn from her.
For one, you can watch what she does, of course.
You can listen to her ideas about dancing and her tips she reckons would be good advice to follow.
Expert advice, based on years ( make that lifetimes) of more dancing experience than you personally have.
Do you need to , have to, follow her advice? No, you are completely free to use it as you please. Again: you are in the leading position; you make the executive decisions in this round.
Just remember, if you don’t actively dance ( live) new routines, new steps.... nothing changes, no developments are made!
If you don’t do it, you don’t experience it and it doesn’t become part of your incorporated repertoire and experience as a team, ( Your Own Unit: YOU), no matter how well she is on her own capable of doing any steps and moves.
Another method to listening and/or watching your soul and trying to translate that into instructions (mind) to your feet ( body actions) is also available. Instant pleasure, instant Abundance on the dance floor!
When you hold your poise in asking her to lead, hold her in your arms and be held, adding still the appropriate amount of tension on the frame, you’ll experience dancing the new routines first hand.
When she leads you it doesn’t feel as being lead at all in the sense that you’d feel forced into a certain direction you don’t want to go.
She can take so many variables into account, based on her experience: place on the dance floor, traffic on the dance floor, likely directions of the traffic on the dance floor, current move, planning the next moves to flow into, your level of dancing, the speed of the beat, the position in the name just a few.
It seems that all you then have to do is just lift your feet as if you were walking, left, right, left, right and look:... you are dancing! Smoothly, harmoniously and confidently. You are doing it, without even actually knowing on your own accord how you are doing it. You feel great! You can do it!
Naturally, since you are a born Abundancer!, you’ll be eager to have more of that, but now with you taking the lead again, being the drive. You intrinsically want to be able to do what she can, yourself too.
You practise the next steps, by doing it, dancing it... first clumsy and insecure, but ever smoother. Still, from time to time, asking her advice, asking her to take the lead and feel your whole being in the smooth flow ( body-mind and soul-mind). More often however, feeling confident and becoming ‘a natural’ with what once seemed so different from the common everyday walking-on-your-own that was the only way of moving through life you were aware of and familiar with.
Something that you admired once from a distance, hugely intrigued by its graceful seemingly effortless beauty of both complexity and simplicity, a combination of knowing and experience, a way of moving gracefully through life. You are doing it now yourself, dancing with life: Abundance.
Is your soul a partner outside of you? Is it another person? No, it isn’t. In this part of the analogy, we’re still looking within Your Own Unit.
Your own unit has been a team from the day you were born.
When life doesn’t seem to flow as smoothly as desired, soul searching is often advised.
Making a conscious connection with what your soul wants to experience.
It could be , like with every other partner in life, that you’d benefit from taking notice of her needs and desires too!
She may really fancy dancing a variety of routines, ever better, ever smoother, so she can enjoy the whole experience too , shining and feeling, living all that she is capable of, with you, through YOU (Your Own Unit).
If you don’t accommodate for that enough, she might ask your attention for this unsatisfying issue in your working/dancing relationship at some point in time.
Her way....? After various degrees of subtle attempts to just tell you, to show you, point it out to you... with too little satisfying results, she can decide to do exactly what you indicate, in words, thoughts and deeds, as a wonderful way of getting her message across, while on the dance floor.
It is a very obedient, yet it may come across as an annoying strategy: go-slow.
She isn’t ‘on strike’, she hasn’t left you at all.
No, she keeps her side of the agreement, this time minutely to the letter. She mirrors exactly your lead and doesn’t do anything else.
What you are not aware of is that she was in a miraculous way influencing the previous results. She was adjusting herself in a very subtle way in order for the dancing to go on, making in the unseen (to you) things happen for you both using her flair and expertise with the aim to enjoy continuing the dance, without the least experienced of the two ( you) having to deal with the finite details of it all, at once.
She can for instance keep traffic away, just by inflating her energy-field, so you both wouldn’t bump into anyone else for the fact that you were not aware that you had to look out for that too. Enabling you to fully concentrate on doing the steps.
She has the power to signal to the d.j. to pick a track with another speed, either a tune you like to move on that fires your desire to move, or a song you are not so excited about, enabling you to practise performing with grace, smiling under all circumstances.
She could add just a tiny little extra amount of pressure on the frame, subtly indicating that a course change would be beneficial, without you even being consciously aware of responding to that, feeling pleased that you made that turn exactly at the right time to go through the corner, losing no speed nor grace.....
Once you experience your life to go-slow, yourself being clumsy, sluggish, things go wrong, you feel stuck in a corner, head down, looking at your feet more than anything else or standing still all together, feeling left on your own devices, out of the flow, disconnected and missing the joy in that.....
Be aware!
You soul might have changed her mind on her approach. Instead of her previous subtle supportive accommodating approach, doing things in the unseen that make the whole dancing experience run and develop just that little bit smoother for both of you, she may have swapped the gentle approach for one you’ll find more challenging, where you feel what she feels for not being accommodated in the existential desire to develop as a team.
Does that sound like cold blooded and unloving revenge? Why? Wasn’t your soul supposed to be ‘perfect love expressed’, pure Godstuff, connected with the Divine plan for your life, awesome, beautiful and amazing !? Is this treatment fair? Do you deserve that from an ethereal being with the patience of a saint and all the time in the world? Can’t she just wait a life time? It is only a blink of an eye in eternity!
Well..... she is that, she can do that, ultimately. But never forget that she is also capable of all the other steps and moves! Above all, never forget this: right now: you lead!
So pay-back time revenge is not the mechanism in action here.
Divine Laws: Send Equals Receive is in action, as always, are showing you how you are performing.
It is all one big mirror of your own performance.
The agreement in Your Own Unit is that you want to learn how to dance ever better with the support from a pro, with poise, with presence, with authority, with joy, exploring your natural talents for it, giving it your best shot, as a team.: you lead, she follows.
You stand still? She stands still.
You do what you always did, she gives you what you always got.
You don’t speak ? She doesn’t say anything.
You do the strict minimum that is specifically asked of you, nothing more? Dito.
Any action , filled in on the dots....! Dito.
No matter what you do, she follows your lead, sticks to the agreement, as long as there is a beat (heart beat) you are leading this partnership ( life).
When will she go back to smoothen the dancing? When will life stop to go-slow?
Well two way, best to be combined:
- Ask her to take the lead, keep your poise, pay attention and follow her lead
- Lead by example: speed up, have presence, give it your best, use your natural talents to smoothen the way, pay attention, get in a playful frame of mind, laugh about mistakes and learn from them, grasp opportunities to shine as a team, try new routines, new steps, practise, practise, practise.
In doing so, she will mirror: speed up, have presence, gives her best, uses her natural talents to smoothen the way, pays attention, is playful, laughs and learns, grasps opportunities to shine as a team.....
Know that your partner, your own soul, does everything in her power to help you remind you of the joy of dancing the Abundance: when body-mind and soul dance harmoniously together, by mirroring your steps.
Your Own Unit (YOU) has an enormous potential to move with grace through life, let life gracefully flow through you. Show it , lead it ( in words, uttered outwardly as well as inwardly ( thoughts) and in actions) and it gets mirrored back to you.
Again, If anything more complicated fails, as in all dancing, go to the basics:
Hold your poise, ask your soul to show you the steps and keep moving, resist nothing, surrender: left right, left ,right, on the beat. Listen with your whole being ( you are both not talking, you are dancing), just follow.....f(ol)low......flow.... and keep moving.
Even simple basic steps, performed with a smile, with grace, holding and being held in a perfect frame of mind, with full attention, form a wonderful joyful performance: to look at and to experience from within.
When you then take the lead again, to practise doing new graceful steps and dance new routines, lesson one of Abundance dancing: forget about the rigid cadences of alternating between ‘ right’ and ‘ wrong’.
( This is right, that is wrong, I am right, therefore you are wrong , or vice versa)
Best thing to keep the feet rhythm in a nice flow moving gracefully forward is to leave ‘ wrong’ in the past. The past tense of ‘ to leave’ is ‘ left’.
So, first thing, replace it with the all times cadence in all walks of life to move anywhere, including dancing: left ,right, left ,right.
( Left is not better than right, left is not right, right is not left (behind)).
Understand that it is in the nature of dancing as a pair that when you use your left foot, your partners uses her right. Moving on, one step at the time, without thinking about the step or the foot too much. Perfect mirrors, in the graceful harmony of the dance.
The left-right feet rhythm on the heart beat of Abundance, always goes on, in 3/4 in 4/4 , in any other counting system.
The shift
An interesting thing happens when you become aware of Abundance and you start dancing it consciously with your soul, as your partner in Your Own Unit.
A shift takes place.
You whole world seems to spin in a different way.... and it does.
YOU become the centre of the world ( experiencing life from within)* , where before you were the centre of the world, looking at life happening merely outside of you.
This shift is not that difficult t to understand. In fact, you can take it fairly literally!
First, you are living your life in a way, similar to disco dancing.
Everybody is standing on their own two feet, moving about putting weight from the left foot to the right foot and back, on a small part of the dance floor, in the midst of other people doing roughly the same.
It can be a very nice and pleasant activity. You can make it as simple or complicated as you like, chat meanwhile with one or more people, or just be in your own bubble, enjoying the beat.
Your soul, your ever faithful dance partner, is doing the same, without you being aware of it. Mirroring your steps, you are just not aware of it, not consciously connected with it in a two way way.
Then, the ballroom dance of Abundance reached your attention.
Maybe you read about it, saw beautiful inspiring examples of it and it raises your desire: I desire to experience Abundance too! I wonder how I can experience that!
In doing so, you are taking the lead and asking your soul to show you some steps.
She immediately responds to that,. She gladly takes you in her arms, to connect with you, the first necessary step to dance Abundance as the YOU you are.
What happened there? You are touched and moved, without being the (conscious) initiator, behind it. Amazing. Scarily beautiful!
The scary part of it, may make you step back from her and you may decide to take the lead again. Back to disco dance position and routines. Did you dream this? There is nothing different around you? You might shake your head and pick up where you left off.
But every time you are seriously curious about Abundance and wonder with intent how you can experience that and surrender to that ( whatever-that-may-be) .. she takes over and holds you, you feeling a strange buzz of connection and communication go through you, shaking your frame of mind.
The longer you surrender ‘ the lead’ to her, agreeing to follow, the longer you’ll experience the (new) sensations of moving in a flow.
Once you get ‘ hooked’ by that interesting sensation of flow and connection , holding a whole world of new possibilities, a completely different way of living ( dancing), you chose to experience that more often, getting better at it, understanding your part in it and playing your part in it to your best abilities.
Like with normal ball room dancing, in the beginning a lot of attention is invested in getting the dancing frame right, with the right amount of tension.
it is through the dancing frame, where dance partners can communicate with minute precision, if it is ‘ right’.
Too close to each other and there is not enough freedom to make the manoeuvres.
Too far away from each other and there is not enough structural integrity to synchronise in the same instant.
Too much tension on the frame and the moves become stiff and chunky ( and it hurts, is tiring, costs way too much energy and is highly uncomfortable).
Too little tension on the frame and the whole combination feels unsafe, wobbly and not really well connected and in touch. Also very uncomfortable.
In YOU, the connection with your soul is not made in the physical world in a frame of ‘ arms’.**
it is a frame of mind.
Your mind is holding onto and being held by hers.
You hold up your frame of mind, completely open, with the appropriate amount if tension and she’ll slide gracefully into it with hers.
If you frame of mind feels shaky, alter your tension, usually: add a little bit more tension.
It is an indication that YOUr total frame of mind is not ‘ right, as in not stable, not fully and optimally functional to support experiencing the flow of Abundance.
It takes full attention, in the beginning to only get into that frame of mind!
Practise, practise, practise ( best just YOU, because ( dancing/living) in traffic with other people, chances of YOU being able to hold that frame of mind with everything else that is going on are minimal)
This is the first shift. From operating with the outside world, by facing it, outwardly, suddenly your focus goes for a great deal within.
Than, with practise, another part of the mentioned shift takes place. A shift that helps you to move as a team, with grace, in the flow, especially useful and noticeable when your speed increases and routines become more complicated.
The centre of gravity shifts.
Was your centre in disco dancing a point inside you, to stay balanced on your feet... it has now moved from the centre of you to the centre of YOU... which is outside of your own body, but right in the middle of Your Own Unit.
This becomes the centre of attention, in the whirls and twists of life.
When you feel centred, when being fully connected in the frame of mind of YOU, it feels different from being centred in yourself.
It has more weight to it, more gravity, more momentum, more impetus and you feel that.
Just as driving a lawn mower feels different to driving a tractor: you feel the weight and the power, even if all you touch is a similar size steering wheel and a similar size seat, doing roughly the same.
In other words, you become from Ego-centred now Self-centred. ( please keep in mind that to me these words holds no judgement and that my understanding of ego is an appreciative one: the E-GO, the place where E-nergy gets the impulse from to GO. Without ego, ( to me) there is no GO, no movement, no dancing, no life at all)
Now, you can also see how important it gets to pay attention to starting a dance and ending a dance properly, if you decide to dance Abundance routines with your soul in the full connection.
Picture yourself swirling around holding somebody at high speed, each leaning backwards a little to give more spin and... you suddenly let go of each other.
It will take some time to ‘ find your feet’ again and be in control of events again, because your centre of gravity needs to come back to your own centre and meanwhile you are being catapulted into unknown and unpredictable directions, not really able to simply stop yourself.
For most people, not the ultimate idea of fun, while dancing.
Also, it doesn’t need ‘ letting go’ of the whole frame to enter into this less graceful territory!
Just shifting your attention from Self to Ego, giving more ‘weight’ to your own energy in motion (emotions) than necessary and look what happens. The one centre of gravity splits. It is not in the centre of Your Own Unit anymore and the whole thing becomes a centrifuge on a high speed spin cycle.
Your soul, just having that bit more gravity to her, will hit the brakes just as you did ( she mirrors your steps, remember and you started to give more weight to your energy in motion) and as a result it is you who will be spun round her personal centre of gravity. Great fun if you know what is happening and you can have a laugh about it, usually in hindsight.
But when you are not so aware of the fact that you are actually safe in this turbulence of emotions, you feel totally out of control and taken over by a vast Universe of emotions ( which is, in itself, a quite accurate observation).
All this practise, brings after a while, when it goes better and better and the joyful flow of being YOU is experienced more often, another shift can occur.
Disco dancing loses its shine. Why continue doing this (now) boring ( because so limited in its possibilities) dance in separation, while you can in any given moment experience this beautiful exciting flow in a co-creative powerful connection?
Why going to places where the people are only interested in disco dancing?
A dance floor packed with people standing ‘ still’ is not giving much room to do an amazing quickstep in amongst. They’ll not appreciate it and YOU’ll not enjoy it as much.
Fun thing is, if the same amount of people were all doing a quickstep, everybody would be in the flow, could use the whole dance floor. There is no lack of space ( nor of anything else) , in dancing the Abundance! Some people might be doing basic steps and enjoying themselves with it, others could be ‘ showing off’, respecting ‘ traffic’ and in doing so being an inspiration for others to see new routines and possibilities to colour their own choreography with.
So yes, you’ll talk about Abundance a lot, wherever people give you room to do so, with a desire to inspire people to have a go at it themselves. Helping them, supporting them if they have a desire to learn how to create Abundance themselves, on a dance floor in flow. Why? To share the joy, share the fun, share Abundance. To shine and show what YOU is capable of, in private as well as in public.
I hope you’ll enjoy dancing the Abundance with your Soul too.
See you on the dance floor!
Esther Dageraad
* I wrote here something that looked like a typo: experiencing life form within. Actually it describes the situation very well! In both senses: You experience being at the core of creating movements, so you do experience life forming, shaping itself right from the pivot being YOU. Also.... you become aware of a life form that has no body of its own, separately from you....
** Your frame of mind can also be of arms. That is when dancing with your soul becomes a battle. Drop your arms ( as in defence system) ... for God’s sake, she is your life long loyal dance partner! Change in your frame of mind your armour into ‘amour’ for Your Own Unit.
Attacking your dance partner, or defending yourself from her, resenting her is only harming the structural integrity of Your Own Unit and not part of any smooth Abundance routines.
Unity on the dance floor, inter personal relationships:
Ok, we’ve looked now at Your Own Unit and given some pointers on dancing Abundance, by yourself.
It got briefly mentioned how what the group of dancers on the floor do influences what you can do there. Often: not much, since performing Abundancing in a crowd of disco dancers has a tendency not go down very well.
There needs to be level of agreement and adjustment for all involved to certain parameters for it all to work smoothly, in Your Own Unit as well as in the Unity on the dance floor.
Luckily, there are occasions where you can dance Abundance in public, although those occasions usually rise first in one on one encounters. Where there is just you and one other person in the room, on the dance floor. In a world of disco dancers, finding a dance floor in the wilderness of everyday life dedicated to Abundancing, filled with people in that flow and for you to simply join in, are relatively minimal at the moment.
But there are people out there desiring a change, to feel more connected with life on a day to day basis ( not just in holidays, retreats, yoga lessons and other ‘ sacred’ dance floors), experiencing Abundance in connection in steed of a soulless ever repeating existence.
Meeting such a person, holds the opportunity to experience Abundance between people, in public.
Very much like the process in developing your dancing skills form disco dancing to ball room dancing, connecting with your soul, interesting things happen when two separate units ( people) decide to connect. To hold each other with full attention in a similar frame of mind, giving expression to their desire to evolve their Abundancing skills together. For as little as one dance of 3 minutes or longer, or even for a sequence of dances in many years.
Professional dancers can dance with anybody, to a reasonable good level even and they will very much enjoy doing so, simply because they love dancing.
They can teach any beginner, if they so wish, the basics and a couple of new routines and give them the first experiences of what dancing can be like, if you know ( by experience) what you are doing.
But where they are really pushing their limits themselves, developing themselves to the highest levels of achievement, challenging their boundaries, perform to their highest abilities, it is with their ‘ own’ dance partner. With whom they spend quite some time practising, evaluating their performances, giving each other feedback and tips, making plans for new complex choreographies executed with grace and ease, performed in public.
I say ‘own’ to indicate the intimate, preferred supplier, relationship.
It is not referring to ownership at all. Both are free and equal. No one owns the other one.
However, they are aware of a responsibility ( response ability: the real and important opportunity to actively do something with) that is comparable to owning something that you hold dear, something precious to you that you are the (co-) guardian of.
Both know and understand that this type of relationship is offering the chance to ‘ really push it’ as an excellent opportunity to grow and perform in an ever grander way. Being able to do things together that wasn’t (held) possible on your own or in just any encounter.
Both know and understand that it offers the greatest joy ( in great performances) just as much as the greatest frustrations ( in training when it’s not quite there yet).
Both know and understand that reaching the very same levels of development with somebody else, if the continuation of this couple ends for whatever reason, will take an enormous amount of effort and time.
So, when both are invested in the drive to explore and create and be part of ever more complex choreographies of Abundance, they can take quite some pressure before something becomes enough reason for a rapture and they (decide to) split up.
if one gets in such a mental/physical position that ( high level) Abundancing is off the menu for a while, the other will stick around and do the necessary to be that dream team again, if there is still any chance on that.
Having danced with many people, a dancer knows, feels on a deep level when another dancer ‘ fits’ like a glove. That deep core level ‘ fit’ doesn’t happen often, when you slide into each others arms and it is all right ‘ home at last’ right away.
So when you experience it, you know that there is the potential with this person to really really create something special, combining your talents, experiencing the most you are capable of.
When you do something ‘ wrong’ the most common idea in this world is you that need to stop ( or be stopped) and go back.
However, all you really need in order to learn from this mistake, is to continue and make another, smoother, more harmoniously choice the next time this, or a similar routines comes to pass.
All you need to see is that you are not left. Not stopped, not dropped.
‘Wrong’ new style.
When you feel centred, when being fully connected in the frame of mind of YOU, it feels different from being centred in yourself.
It has more weight to it, more gravity, more momentum, more impetus and you feel that.
Just as driving a lawn mower feels different to driving a tractor: you feel the weight and the power, even if all you touch is a similar size steering wheel and a similar size seat, doing roughly the same.
In other words, you become from Ego-centred now Self-centred. ( please keep in mind that to me these words holds no judgement and that my understanding of ego is an appreciative one: the E-GO, the place where E-nergy gets the impulse from to GO. Without ego, ( to me) there is no GO, no movement, no dancing, no life at all)
Now, you can also see how important it gets to pay attention to starting a dance and ending a dance properly, if you decide to dance Abundance routines with your soul in the full connection.
Picture yourself swirling around holding somebody at high speed, each leaning backwards a little to give more spin and... you suddenly let go of each other.
It will take some time to ‘ find your feet’ again and be in control of events again, because your centre of gravity needs to come back to your own centre and meanwhile you are being catapulted into unknown and unpredictable directions, not really able to simply stop yourself.
For most people, not the ultimate idea of fun, while dancing.
Also, it doesn’t need ‘ letting go’ of the whole frame to enter into this less graceful territory!
Just shifting your attention from Self to Ego, giving more ‘weight’ to your own energy in motion (emotions) than necessary and look what happens. The one centre of gravity splits. It is not in the centre of Your Own Unit anymore and the whole thing becomes a centrifuge on a high speed spin cycle.
Your soul, just having that bit more gravity to her, will hit the brakes just as you did ( she mirrors your steps, remember and you started to give more weight to your energy in motion) and as a result it is you who will be spun round her personal centre of gravity. Great fun if you know what is happening and you can have a laugh about it, usually in hindsight.
But when you are not so aware of the fact that you are actually safe in this turbulence of emotions, you feel totally out of control and taken over by a vast Universe of emotions ( which is, in itself, a quite accurate observation).
All this practise, brings after a while, when it goes better and better and the joyful flow of being YOU is experienced more often, another shift can occur.
Disco dancing loses its shine. Why continue doing this (now) boring ( because so limited in its possibilities) dance in separation, while you can in any given moment experience this beautiful exciting flow in a co-creative powerful connection?
Why going to places where the people are only interested in disco dancing?
A dance floor packed with people standing ‘ still’ is not giving much room to do an amazing quickstep in amongst. They’ll not appreciate it and YOU’ll not enjoy it as much.
Fun thing is, if the same amount of people were all doing a quickstep, everybody would be in the flow, could use the whole dance floor. There is no lack of space ( nor of anything else) , in dancing the Abundance! Some people might be doing basic steps and enjoying themselves with it, others could be ‘ showing off’, respecting ‘ traffic’ and in doing so being an inspiration for others to see new routines and possibilities to colour their own choreography with.
So yes, you’ll talk about Abundance a lot, wherever people give you room to do so, with a desire to inspire people to have a go at it themselves. Helping them, supporting them if they have a desire to learn how to create Abundance themselves, on a dance floor in flow. Why? To share the joy, share the fun, share Abundance. To shine and show what YOU is capable of, in private as well as in public.
I hope you’ll enjoy dancing the Abundance with your Soul too.
See you on the dance floor!
Esther Dageraad
* I wrote here something that looked like a typo: experiencing life form within. Actually it describes the situation very well! In both senses: You experience being at the core of creating movements, so you do experience life forming, shaping itself right from the pivot being YOU. Also.... you become aware of a life form that has no body of its own, separately from you....
** Your frame of mind can also be of arms. That is when dancing with your soul becomes a battle. Drop your arms ( as in defence system) ... for God’s sake, she is your life long loyal dance partner! Change in your frame of mind your armour into ‘amour’ for Your Own Unit.
Attacking your dance partner, or defending yourself from her, resenting her is only harming the structural integrity of Your Own Unit and not part of any smooth Abundance routines.
Unity on the dance floor, inter personal relationships:
Ok, we’ve looked now at Your Own Unit and given some pointers on dancing Abundance, by yourself.
It got briefly mentioned how what the group of dancers on the floor do influences what you can do there. Often: not much, since performing Abundancing in a crowd of disco dancers has a tendency not go down very well.
There needs to be level of agreement and adjustment for all involved to certain parameters for it all to work smoothly, in Your Own Unit as well as in the Unity on the dance floor.
Luckily, there are occasions where you can dance Abundance in public, although those occasions usually rise first in one on one encounters. Where there is just you and one other person in the room, on the dance floor. In a world of disco dancers, finding a dance floor in the wilderness of everyday life dedicated to Abundancing, filled with people in that flow and for you to simply join in, are relatively minimal at the moment.
But there are people out there desiring a change, to feel more connected with life on a day to day basis ( not just in holidays, retreats, yoga lessons and other ‘ sacred’ dance floors), experiencing Abundance in connection in steed of a soulless ever repeating existence.
Meeting such a person, holds the opportunity to experience Abundance between people, in public.
Very much like the process in developing your dancing skills form disco dancing to ball room dancing, connecting with your soul, interesting things happen when two separate units ( people) decide to connect. To hold each other with full attention in a similar frame of mind, giving expression to their desire to evolve their Abundancing skills together. For as little as one dance of 3 minutes or longer, or even for a sequence of dances in many years.
Professional dancers can dance with anybody, to a reasonable good level even and they will very much enjoy doing so, simply because they love dancing.
They can teach any beginner, if they so wish, the basics and a couple of new routines and give them the first experiences of what dancing can be like, if you know ( by experience) what you are doing.
But where they are really pushing their limits themselves, developing themselves to the highest levels of achievement, challenging their boundaries, perform to their highest abilities, it is with their ‘ own’ dance partner. With whom they spend quite some time practising, evaluating their performances, giving each other feedback and tips, making plans for new complex choreographies executed with grace and ease, performed in public.
I say ‘own’ to indicate the intimate, preferred supplier, relationship.
It is not referring to ownership at all. Both are free and equal. No one owns the other one.
However, they are aware of a responsibility ( response ability: the real and important opportunity to actively do something with) that is comparable to owning something that you hold dear, something precious to you that you are the (co-) guardian of.
Both know and understand that this type of relationship is offering the chance to ‘ really push it’ as an excellent opportunity to grow and perform in an ever grander way. Being able to do things together that wasn’t (held) possible on your own or in just any encounter.
Both know and understand that it offers the greatest joy ( in great performances) just as much as the greatest frustrations ( in training when it’s not quite there yet).
Both know and understand that reaching the very same levels of development with somebody else, if the continuation of this couple ends for whatever reason, will take an enormous amount of effort and time.
So, when both are invested in the drive to explore and create and be part of ever more complex choreographies of Abundance, they can take quite some pressure before something becomes enough reason for a rapture and they (decide to) split up.
if one gets in such a mental/physical position that ( high level) Abundancing is off the menu for a while, the other will stick around and do the necessary to be that dream team again, if there is still any chance on that.
Having danced with many people, a dancer knows, feels on a deep level when another dancer ‘ fits’ like a glove. That deep core level ‘ fit’ doesn’t happen often, when you slide into each others arms and it is all right ‘ home at last’ right away.
So when you experience it, you know that there is the potential with this person to really really create something special, combining your talents, experiencing the most you are capable of.
When you do something ‘ wrong’ the most common idea in this world is you that need to stop ( or be stopped) and go back.
However, all you really need in order to learn from this mistake, is to continue and make another, smoother, more harmoniously choice the next time this, or a similar routines comes to pass.
All you need to see is that you are not left. Not stopped, not dropped.
‘Wrong’ new style.