List of suggestions
If you feel that something in the 1U Company made a big difference to your life and you’d like to contribute something…
Be inspired with the wish list of Esther Dageraad for her life(‘s) work.
Wish list:
( For everything goes, please contact me to inquire about details if you feel you might be in a position to contribute something of this list )
testing ground communities
Nothing gives me more joy than being invited to invest (and develop further) my expertise in supporting a community that is willing to profoundly transform the whole process into sustainable resourceful human co-creation, in direct cooperation with a leader of that community.
Since 2012, I have been collecting insights from the collective consciousness ( all the knowing of mankind, since the beginning of time) on one theme: sustainable resourceful human co-creation.
I have been keeping a log of my finds on this website, whilst developing expertise on the matter.
Be inspired with the wish list of Esther Dageraad for her life(‘s) work.
Wish list:
( For everything goes, please contact me to inquire about details if you feel you might be in a position to contribute something of this list )
testing ground communities
Nothing gives me more joy than being invited to invest (and develop further) my expertise in supporting a community that is willing to profoundly transform the whole process into sustainable resourceful human co-creation, in direct cooperation with a leader of that community.
Since 2012, I have been collecting insights from the collective consciousness ( all the knowing of mankind, since the beginning of time) on one theme: sustainable resourceful human co-creation.
I have been keeping a log of my finds on this website, whilst developing expertise on the matter.
- As much fun as these insight are to read…. they don’t influence the quality of living in a community unless they get applied!
- These are not ready-meals you can just swallow and digest! Every community has different characteristics, so using ideas that seem to work fine somewhere else, meanwhile applying the very same working methods on the process as before, is most likely not a ticket to seeing good results coming from it!!!
To put it into an analogy:
It is as if I have been retrieving bulbs and roots and seeds of plan(t)s that have gone very much out of fashion in our western world communal fields of consciousness.
And, they came with insights on other cultivating methods too. The plan(t)s and cultivating methods I have collected have similar qualities: they nourish and enrich the soil of the fields of consciousness ( = the soul) in a natural way. They all boost the natural dynamics of a thriving varied human dynamics eco-system of energy-in-motion. Simultaneously in every patch of body-mind-soul (person) as well as in a collective of patches ( the community). At low cost, with small effort, it is possible to increase a significant growth of wellbeing, consciousness and resourcefulness, of which all involved benefit. Comparing such a sustainable way of living and growing together with modern day labour-intensive, mono-cultures? New plan(t) are triggered to develop their roots more deeply in the soil, into the rich layers of highly nutritious inner wisdom. Combinations of indigenous plan(t)s are selected to grow. Those plan(t)s are more in harmony with the natural environment, more resilient, more versatile, containing more nutritional value. They thrive, are fully and healthily alive. Exotic plan(t)s may look appealing and tasty, but often don’t do more than surviving, taking a lot of work and the assistance of toxins and pesticides for that, with nasty side-effects to that… for all involved. |
As much as I prefer to exchange my expertise for new experiences, expertise and goods…. I do have some bills to pay too.
So money for that surely s welcome.
Also, if your financial resources stretch to it and you'd like to express a vast gratitude..... maybe being the co-founder of the ME-time trust fund appeals to you?