ME At The Soul
If you find some emotions difficult to swallow, undesirable even and you are doing your best to avoid them......?
You might be missing out on valuable aspects of live, missing oppertunities to grow and develop using the nutitients that are naturally high in experiences that are challenging.
Learn how to deal with all your emotions, discover how to extract wisdom from your experiences in a holistic way.
In the MEATS kitchen ( ME At The Soul) , your whole being is involved in re-activating natural learning and developing processess.
Like all 1u Company products....
It is there for you to use freely.....
Just share your resourcefulness, in return.
You might be missing out on valuable aspects of live, missing oppertunities to grow and develop using the nutitients that are naturally high in experiences that are challenging.
Learn how to deal with all your emotions, discover how to extract wisdom from your experiences in a holistic way.
In the MEATS kitchen ( ME At The Soul) , your whole being is involved in re-activating natural learning and developing processess.
Like all 1u Company products....
It is there for you to use freely.....
Just share your resourcefulness, in return.