Project Mind the Palette of Choice
In July 2016, I started a project dedicated completely to raising awareness on freedom of choice.
It is founded on the understanding that;
There is a compact website providing:
Enjoy our freedom of choice!
It is an open invitation to enjoy life.
It is founded on the understanding that;
- getting to know your human full palette of choice,
- consciously exercising your freedom of choice by actively using your full palette of choice... minding it seriously playful....
- supports the increase of the quality of (your) life,
- because you will be making choices of increasingly better quality,
- because they'll suit all your needs and your unique circumstances better.
There is a compact website providing:
- the basic understandings in a nutshell.
- more in depth information
- suggestions how you, as an individual can open up your palette of choice
- practical opportunities for influencial leaders, public invitations to play collectively with the full human palette of choice in the developments of every day life.
Enjoy our freedom of choice!
It is an open invitation to enjoy life.